
A hands on, drug-free approach which aims to restore the function of nerves, joints and muscles of the body at Widney House Clinic.

Osteopathy at Widney House Clinic Solihull

Although Osteopaths are well known for treating backs, osteopathy can provide relief from a broad range of conditions including joint pain, neuromuscular conditions, digestive conditions, common aches and pains, acute muscle spasm and longer term more chronic pain.

If you think you may be suffering with any of the following, we may be able to help you.

Back pain

Back pain affects up to 80% of us at some point in our lives. The NHS spends more than £1 billion per year on back pain related costs but even more is lost through workplace absence caused by excessive aches and pains. Your spine is made of solid, bony blocks reinforced by strong ligaments and muscles. It is surprisingly difficult to damage the spine but if strained, the surrounding muscles and ligaments can cause discomfort and pain. 

Osteopaths will often use gentle hands-on techniques to help resolve back pain, together with exercise and advice designed to promote and maintain the best environment for a healthy back. Research evidence shows that these osteopathic treatments can have beneficial effects, especially for back pain.

Neck pain

Modern day practices such as sat at a computer and desk all day, driving, poor posture, and even stress can cause the muscles in the neck and upper back to become stiff and even cause painful spasm. This can also cause headaches and even nerve entrapment causing pins and needles and numbness.

Osteoarthritis or age-related wear and tear in the neck can also cause muscular pain from the neck into the shoulder as well as some stiffness in moving the neck.

Osteopaths can use a wide range of gentle manipulations depending on your age, fitness and diagnosis to reduce muscular tension in the neck and improve movement in the joints of the neck and upper back.


Modern day practices such as sat at a computer and desk all day, driving, poor posture, and even stress can cause the muscles in the neck and upper back to become stiff and even cause painful spasm. This can also cause headaches and even nerve entrapment causing pins and needles and numbness.

Osteoarthritis or age-related wear and tear in the neck can also cause muscular pain from the neck into the shoulder as well as some stiffness in moving the neck.

Osteopaths can use a wide range of gentle manipulations depending on your age, fitness and diagnosis to reduce muscular tension in the neck and improve movement in the joints of the neck and upper back.

Shoulder pain

Shoulder Pain is common and can be caused by a number of conditions. These conditions include:·

Rotator cuff problem  – pain in the shoulder or upper arm, particularly when lifting the arm, lying on it or using the sore muscles. It is often the result of repetitive overuse of the arm and shoulder during a sport or activity or the result of a shoulder injury.  Age can also play a part.·      
Acromioclavicular joint pain  –  painful joint on the tip of the shoulder where the collarbone and shoulder blade join·      
Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis  – is the painful and gradual stiffening of the shoulder capsule (the tissue that surrounds your shoulder joint) and the shoulder can often become so stiff and painful that it limits your ability to use your arm in everyday activities.·      
Referred shoulder pain – pain is experienced in an area away from the actual injury or problem e.g. pain in shoulder which is usually referred from the neck or upper back·      
Osteoarthritis – progressive wearing away of the cartilage of the joint leading to the two bones of the joint rubbing together causing pain. Patients who have had previous trauma or shoulder surgery are most likely to develop osteoarthritis in later life.Symptoms include swelling, stiffness, aching and sharp, stabbing pains.·      
Shoulder instability – dislocation or excessive movement of the shoulder joint. Shoulder problems are often complex and can take a long time to resolve. An osteopath will work with you to try and understand the cause of your shoulder problem.

Tennis andgolfers elbow

Pain in the elbow is often due to two main conditions – tennis elbow and golfers elbow.Tennis elbow causes pain and tenderness around the outside of the elbow joint, whereas golfer’s elbow causes pain around the inner side of the joint.

Tennis elbow is more common than golfers elbow and both are injuries from repetitive overuse or wear and tear from any hobby, sport or activity not just tennis or golf as the name implies.

Sometimes a single injury such as a sudden unexpected tug on the forearm can cause the symptoms.

Once the pain starts, your normal activities and habits can maintain the problem.

Pre-existing problems with your neck, wrist or shoulder, that might not be painful in themselves, can make it more likely for you to suffer with tennis or golfers elbow. Most cases ease naturally eventually but many people seek treatment and advice from an osteopath.

Hand andelbow pain

Pain occurring in the hand can sometimes be relieved by the gentle manual treatment of osteopaths depending on the cause.

Osteoarthritis or wear and tear in the joints of the hand and the elbow may be the cause of your symptoms and may benefit from treatment and advice from an osteopath. 

Hip Pain

There are a number or reasons for hip pain some of which can be helped by visiting an osteopath.Pain can come from a tight, strained or overused muscle in the hip or from the joint itself.

Pain in the hip can sometimes be the result of an injury, it can be referred from the back or related to the way you move, stand and/or use your hip.

Pain from osteoarthritis or wear and tear in the hip joint is also common. Osteopaths can’t cure the arthritis and it depends on the severity of the wear and tear but treatment and advice from an osteopath can often help ease the symptoms.Osteopaths can look at the patient as a whole, assess the way the hip moves, strengthen and stretch the muscles, gently massage the hip muscles and stretch the hip joint to reduce tension and improve the mobility of the joint and work on the secondary problems like backache.

Knee Pain

The knee is the largest joint in the body. It is a major weight-bearing joint and is one of the most frequently injured joints in the human body.Knee pain can have a number of different causes and can be painful and debilitating and although some conditions may require surgery many can be helped with the right advice, exercise and treatment.

The knee joint lies between the femur and tibia and at the front is the patella or kneecap. It is made up of a number of structures including ligaments, muscles, capsule, synovial membrane and two ‘c’ shaped pieces of cartilage which sit between the femur and tibia known as the menisci.

Damage, strain or sprain to the structures of the knee can give rise to symptoms.  It can be the result of a sudden injury as often seen in sports injuries or by repeatedly placing strain on an area of the knee. Poor alignment of the knee or knee cap and altered joint mechanics in relation to other joints such as the hips and knees are often significant.

Osteoarthritis or wear and tear is a common condition that affects the knee.Common symptoms in the knee include pain, stiffness, aching, pain, locking, swelling, limping and difficulty fully straightening or bending the knee.

Foot andankle pain

Pain can occur in the foot and ankles for a number of reasons.The foot and ankle is made up of a number of small bones interconnected by ligaments, muscles and fascia all working together to give the strength, stability and flexibility the foot and ankle needs to function properly.
Common conditions of the foot, ankle and areas which can give rise to pain include:

Acquired flat foot – when the inner side of the foot or inner arch flattens.The foot may roll over to the inner side (known as over-pronation). It is often apparent if the heels of shoes wear out quickly and unevenly. Over-pronation can damage your ankle joint and achilles tendon (the tendon at the back of your ankle) and can also cause shin pain. Symptoms can include, pain, swelling, change in foot shape and knee pain or swelling.

Plantar fasciitis –is pain and inflammation in the plantar fascia – the tough fibrous band of tissue that supports the arches of the foot and runs under the small bones from the underside of the heel and sole towards the toes, Often, people who have plantar fasciitis describe it as a sharp pain, most often under the heel or instep of the foot.It tends to be made worse by standing for long periods of time in poor footwear. Sufferers commonly mention that it is worse when standing after being off their feet for a long time, and it can hurt more putting the foot on the floor first thing in the morning. The sole of the foot can occasionally feel a little numb, tingly or swell slightly. In some cases of plantar fasciitis, a small spur of bone can grow where the plantar fascia attaches and pulls on the heel which can cause a sharp pain.

Achilles pain
The Achilles tendon is formed by the tendon of the two calf muscles, the gastrocnemius and soleus coming together and attaching onto the bone at the back of the heel called the calcaneus) Pain, inflammation or tendonitis in the Achilles can cause pain and tightness in this area.

Sprained ankle
Typically the result of a sudden twisting or “going over” on the ankle joint and more commonly it is the ligaments on the outside of the ankle that are strained. Typical symptoms are swelling, bruising, pain and instability of the ankle. Sometimes an x-ray is required to rule out any fracture. Rest, ice, elevation and compression are often advisable in the first 24 to 48 hours.

How can an osteopath help with foot and ankle pain?
• Depending on the diagnosis and your age and fitness we can use a variety of gentle massage and manipulative techniques to increase the mobility of the joints and the flexibility of the muscles in the foot.
• We will often look at muscles and joints in the lower limb, the knee, hip and lower back and may treat any joint restrictions and muscle tightness we find there. Often improving the movement in the joints of the lower will help the foot and ankle function better.
• We may offer specific balancing, strengthening or loosening exercises
• We may offer advice on strapping and brace supports, footwear and any lifestyle factors that might be hindering healing. We may refer you to a podiatrist for their opinion and specialist foot supports

Jaw pain

The  jaw joint, or temporomandibular joint, is a hinge that connects your jaw to the temporal bones of your skull, which are in front of each ear.  It lets you move your jaw up and down and side to side, so you can talk, chew, and yawn. It is usually shortened to the “TMJ”.

While the exact cause of TMJ dysfunction is still being debated, there are a number of factors which can lead to TMJ problems. These include: trauma e.g.  whiplash, grinding teeth (bruxism), clenching of the jaw, stress, problems with the disc, posture, arthritis,  bite misalignment and other dental issues.

This troublesome area can be the cause of many conditions including
• pain in the neck , face, ear, or shoulders
• headaches,
• tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
• dizziness
• Problems when you try to open your mouth wide• Jaws that get “stuck” or “lock” in the open- or closed-mouth position
• Clicking, popping, or grating sounds in the jaw joint when you open or close your mouth or chew. This may or may not be painful.
• A tired feeling in your face• Trouble chewing or a sudden uncomfortable bite

How can an Osteopath help?
The TMJ is a complicated area. Numerous muscles are involved in opening, closing and sideways movement of the jaw. The muscles and joints of the neck also have a reciprocal relationship with the muscles of the jaw so that when the jaw is opened and closed the neck muscles contract to counterbalance the jaw.

Osteopaths are trained to specifically evaluate and treat the TMJ and related joints and muscles.  They also evaluate your posture to ascertain if this is contributing to the problem.  Exercises and relaxation techniques  are often prescribed. In some cases Osteopaths may work in conjunction with Dentists or recommend a mouthguard/splint to help with treatment.

This is a snap shot of what we can help with and by no means exhaustive. Osteopaths treat a wide range of musculoskeletal injuries including those brought on by simple wear and tear, or simply old age. If we are unable to help you we would not hesitate in referring you on to the relevant healthcare practitioner.

If further tests are needed to make a diagnosis, such as Xrays or scans we may refer you to your GP or a specialist for any additional investigations or treatment. We do not ‘sell’ courses of treatment.

As we only assist the body in healing itself, we have no idea how it will respond. You may need 1,2 or 6 treatments, we refuse to sell courses for this reason.

Each person, their condition and injury is unique and so therefore is their treatment.


These questions are just a few of the more common ones that people ask on a regular basis.

You may personally have a question that is not listed here so please feel free to pick up the phone and discuss any concerns or questions that you may have regarding treatment.


In order to carry out a full examination and allow treatment, patients often need to undress to their underwear, as is usual for many medical treatments. However it is very important that you feel confident and comfortable during your consultation and please feel free to bring shorts with a vest top. We are guided by our patients and would never do anything that you are uncomfortable with.


Osteopathic treatment should not hurt although some of the techniques can feel momentarily uncomfortable. Bearing in mind that a patient often comes for a visit in quite acute pain, we aim to relieve this pain as quickly as possible.


How long is a piece of string!? Our aim is to get you back to full health as soon as possible. However, each individual is different and depending upon how you look after yourselves, your daily activity and perhaps you acting upon any advice given, your outcome shall vary from the next person. We would expect to see an improvement after 2-3 treatments depending upon the severity of injury and the length of time you have had the complaint.

Should we feel that your condition needs further investigation we would always refer you to the relevant healthcare specialist for your particular complaint.


Side effects are generally very rare; you might experience some tiredness / soreness for a few days afterwards but this will subside quickly. Osteopathy is a very safe and effective form of treatment and most patients feel substantially better for it.


Sometimes when a joint is manipulated and the two surfaces  are moved apart quickly a sudden change of pressure occurs within the joint itself. It is thought that the noise is the formation of a gas bubble. A similar sound can be demonstrated by pushing your palms together and then pulling them apart very quickly (it works best when your hands are wet). The main reason for using this manipulation is to improve your joint mobility and relax your muscle tone. It is a perfectly safe technique when used by a trained professional such as an osteopath.


No, as primary healthcare practitioners we are able to treat you without a referral. It is always good to keep your GP informed, so when you next happen to see them you can mention that you are consulting an Osteopath. As professionals we like to maintain open lines of communication with your GP and therefore would inform him of your treatment outcome when you are discharged. However, should we require any details regarding your health there are strict guidelines to adhere to and these require your express consent.Most GP’s are well informed with regard to osteopathy and are more than happy for you to undergo treatment.


No, in a Parliamentary Report Osteopathy was described "as a distinct system of manual medicine within its own right". Osteopathy enjoys full Statutory recognition and regulation and it is illegal to practice as an osteopath unless properly trained and registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC). GOsC can remove an osteopath from the register if they fail to maintain a strict code of professional practice.


The minimum qualification for an osteopath is completion of a four or five year degree, which includes at least 1000 hours of supervised clinical practice. They must then continue to update and expand their knowledge by logging a minimum of 30 hours per year of continuing professional development

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